Self Storage

November 27th, 2020

One of the most frequently asked questions our experts get from new customers is: “How should we organize the unit?”. Well, let us make it simple for you: You need to start with a plan.

Going in with a plan for how you want to organize your storage unit will make your moving day more fun and less stressful. Plus, it will make finding items later less of a headache.

Ready to create your game plan? The experts here at Modern Storage® have some tips to help optimize your organization.


By disassembling everything first, you will save so much space in your storage unit!Cribs, bed frames, and other furniture with lots of long parts should be stored vertically and tied together. You can wrap or zip-tie them together, then simply lean them up against the wall and out of the way.


Shelving units are the perfect way to get organized and maximize space in your storage unit. Position them around the perimeter of your storage unit to stack up boxes or leave some space open for unpackable items you will need to use more often.

If you don’t have your own set, you can rent some from us!


Boxes are the most economical way to go when packing up your belongings. If you label them clearly, you should be good to go for short-term storage. (Plus, if you ever need more for your move, we sell boxes at every Modern Storage® location!)

But, for long-term storage, you need more protection and better organization. This is especially true if you need to organize your storage unit for frequent access.

In this situation, we recommend purchasing clear totes. Totes are sturdier and easier to stack. Plus, you can create custom labels that keep items organized by color.


Have you thought about color coordinating your belongings? Boxes and totes containing similar items can be labeled in the same color markers, stickers, or tape and loaded into your unit together!

For example, you can make all your clothes blue, all your dishes red, and all your electronics green. Then, fill your unit with the colors of the rainbow and make everything easier to find later.


When packing your moving truck, we recommend you put the heaviest items in last. This way, the heaviest items come out first and go into your storage unit first. The smaller items will be what you need to see more often, so they will be left right in front.

Then, when you move out, items can go back into your moving truck the same way!

Are you ready to start storing in style? Now that you know how to organize your storage unit, there’s nothing stopping you!

Find a Modern Storage® location near you and reserve your spot now.

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